by admin | Jun 20, 2023 | News, Online on demand, PLD Opportunities
8 CECs Bioenergetics is a branch of biochemistry that studies how our cells handle the energy we need to survive, perform and thrive. This first-of-its-kind course takes a look under the hood of our bodies’ metabolic functions, sharing the ways our food choices impact...
by admin | Apr 11, 2023 | News, Online on demand, PLD Opportunities
As of 30 June 2021, there are 466,619 Australians accessing the NDIS. The main objective of the NDIS is to provide all Australians who, before the age of 65, acquire a permanent disability that substantially impacts how they manage everyday activities with the...
by admin | Apr 5, 2023 | News, Online on demand, PLD Opportunities
This course includes 26 individual lessons with recorded voice lecture, a short unit quiz at the end of each lesson to help with retention of the material covered, and a final 125 question comprehensive exam. Lessons will cover a range of topics including, but...
by admin | Apr 5, 2023 | News, Online on demand, PLD Opportunities
Communication Strategies for Medical Fitness Clients 1 CEC Presented by Alexis Batrakoulis Individuals facing chronic diseases or conditions need something different than the conventional exerciser when a fitness professional works with them on a regular basis in a...
by admin | Apr 5, 2023 | News, Online on demand, PLD Opportunities
Expanding Your Reach: Effective Exercise Training for Older Adults 1 CEC Presented by Aleen Dailey Agility, balance, coordination, power and reaction time are all critical for older adults who want to maintain their independence, but the majority of exercise...
by admin | Apr 5, 2023 | News, Online on demand, PLD Opportunities
5 CECs Learning to evaluate movement is key for all exercise professionals and those involved in sports performance. This interactive course covers joint movement (or “kinesiology”) and breaks down various exercises into their component parts, providing participants...