Accredited Exercise and Sport Science Practitioner

The role of an Accredited Exercise and Sports Science Practitioner

Accredited Exercise and Sport Science practitioners are highly experienced practitioners with advanced knowledge, skills and expertise in exercise and sports science. The knowledge and skill is applied across subfields including mental skills, performance analysis, sports physiology, sports biomechanics and sports nutrition. The AESSP evaluates research, and advice on the technical and practical aspects of training; injury prevention; technique; nutritional supplements; performance and recovery practices.

When applying for accreditation as an exercise and sport science practitioner, you will be asked to identify your discipline. Further information and standards of each discipline is outlined below. 

To gain accreditation as an exercise and sport science practitioner you are required to demonstrate:

  • Level 8 Postgraduate qualification in the field of exercise and sport science demonstrated by academic transcript
  • 3 case-studies.  Case Studies must be of clients you have personally worked with and have an intimate knowledge and experience of their training and progress. Each case study should demonstrate the utilisation of a professional conduct and the scope of practice of your chosen domain. 
  • At least 360 hours of professional practice in the categories defined by SESNZ. The professional practice hours can be accumulated in one or two specialist areas. Professional practice need to be signed off by a supervisor. 
  • 140 hours of professional practice with healthy individuals outlined in the registration for exercise and sport science

Continued professional development (CPD)

To ensure currency of knowledge and experience, AESSP’s are required to participate in ongoing professional development, and stay abreast of recent research. Yearly professional development requirements to maintain accreditation as an Accredited Exercise and Sport Scientist include:

  • A minimum of 20 approved CPD points per membership year (1 January – 31 December)

Continued practice is governed by SESNZ national re-accreditation, professional development and professional accountability requirements. In your initial year of accreditation achieving 20 CPD points will not be assessed. From the calendar year following, 20 points will be required.  

Application Process

How do I apply for Accreditation and Registration?

When you apply to become a Level 1 Registered Exercise and Sport Scientist or a Level 2 Accredited Exercise and Sport Science Practitioner or Accredited Exercise Physiologist, you are required to become a member of Sport and Exercise Science New Zealand (SESNZ).

The cost of a Full Membership is $120 or $30 for a student membership yearly.

When you are applying for your membership with SESNZ you will be asked to create a log in username and password.

Once you are a member, you will be able to log in and access the accreditation and registration application.

  • Initial accreditation and assessment fee: $300
  • Thereafter annual accreditation renewal fee 1st January - 31st December (due 31st January) $120 along with yearly membership ($120)

      Sports Physiology

      Sports Biomechanics

      Mental Skills

      Sports Nutrition

      Performance Analysis