SESNZ has developed an accreditation and quality assurance scheme for professionals working within the field of sport and exercise science.
This scheme enables professionals to be recognised for their expertise by those outside this field, to ensure appropriate levels of professionalism and safety for the public, and align our field with other professions.
How do I apply for Accreditation and Registration?
When you apply to become a Level 1 Registered Exercise and Sport Scientist or a Level 2 Accredited Exercise and Sport Science Practitioner or Accredited Exercise Physiologist, you are required to become a member of Sport and Exercise Science New Zealand (SESNZ).
The cost of a full membership is $120 or $30 for a student membership.
When you are applying for your membership with SESNZ you will be asked to create a log in username and password.
Once you are a member, you will be able to log in and access the accreditation and registration application.
- Initial accreditation and assessment fee: $300
- Annual accreditation renewal fee 1st January to 31st December: $120 (pro rata after initial accreditation year)
Application review
An independent reviewer will consider the application and advise whether the application meets the SESNZ accreditation requirements.
If an application is unsuccessful, the applicant will be notified and advised of the shortcomings and requirements needed to be successful. If these requirements are minimal no extra fee will be charged if supplied within the specified period.
If the application requires a full review and new application, the full accreditation fee will be payable.
If you have hold an accreditation with another affiliation then please see our grandparenting options below
Accreditation fields
Registered Exercise and Sports Scientists (RESS)
- Use exercise to improve health, well being and fitness
- More Info
- View the accreditation standards (PDF)
- Use exercise to help manage chronic conditions, disability and injuries
- More Info
- View the accreditation standards (PDF)
- Use exercise to improve sporting performance
- Covers sports nutrition, mental skills, biomechanics, sport and exercise physiology and performance analysis
- More Info
- View the accreditation standards (PDF)
- Use exercise to improve sporting performance
- More Info
- View the accreditation standards (PDF)
Previously accredited applicants from overseas may be eligible for grandparenting their accreditation across.
Professional Standards and Continuing professional development
SESNZ recognises accreditation needs to accommodate those already working within the field, and those currently studying.
Further to our alignment with ESSA we have adopted a similar Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme for our accredited members. You will find the guidelines on the point system and logbook here.
All accredited professionals need to accrue 20 points annually (inclusive of a minimum 15 points from Further Education).
If you have any questions please contact us at and we will answer as soon as possible.
Applicants are required to complete the application forms and provide all evidence listed along with payment to SESNZ.
Applicants may apply for accreditation in more than one discipline but must ensure all the discipline competency requirements are met.

The exercise science standards are based on the minimum professional requirements of graduates working in all areas of exercise science, and they have been developed in consultation with over 45 practitioners and academic experts across fifteen discipline areas. The standards provide a curriculum framework for university courses in exercise, sport and movement sciences, and they define the exercise science qualification, which underpins Exercise Physiology and Sports Science accreditation with ESSA.